Now, don't get me wrong, I downloaded my fair share of music in the heyday of Napster, and Audiogalaxy Satellite. In fact, I had several GB of downloaded music. But, one day, after a lot of thinking, it stopped. I decided it was morally and ethically wrong. Not only could I not do it as a person, but as a christian, I couldn't steal from the pockets of the artists that I loved and that were helping spread the gospel.
I'm sure you are wondering what brought all of this on..... well, I was having a conversation today with someone and he was asking what kind of music that I listen to. I told him a lot of Rock, etc. but that I really dislike country. He said "Well, thats all I've got. I get my music off Limewire.". I explained my reasons for not downloading any more and he said "Yeah, I only get on for like 20 minutes or so, and I only get a couple of songs.". His response led me to formulate this question as I was thinking about the exchange later in the day.
Would you rather that your house be robbed just once or twice, or would you rather have it happen 300 times? Either way, you are getting robbed.
Please think before you download again... You could be taking food out of someone's child's mouth.....
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